Prerequisites: Binary Search(Vanilla) , Find the First True in a Sorted Boolean Array ,Monotonic function, KOKO eating Bananas
Given a number of pages in different books and M students. The books are arranged in ascending order of the number of pages. Every student is assigned to read some consecutive books. The task is to assign books in such a way that the maximum number of pages assigned to a student is minimum.
Example 1
pages = [10, 20, 30, 40] ,m(students) = 2
Output : 60
There are 2 number of students. Books can be distributed in following fashion
first = 10 [10], second = 90 [20+30+40] # at max limit 90
first = 30 [10+20], second = 70 [30+40] # at max limit 70
first = 60 [10+20+30], second = 40 [40] # at max limit 60
Three ways to split
Max pages are 90,70 and 60, in which 60 is the minimum
Example 2
pages = [12,34,67,90], m(students) = 2 # The array is not always sorted
first = 12 [12], second = 191 [34,67,90] # at max limit 191
first = 46 [12,34], second = 157 [67, 90] # at max limit 157
first = 113 [12,34,67], second = 90 [90] # at max limit 113
Max pages are 191,157 and 113, in which 113 is the minimum
Reframing the question
This question is riddled in multi-level complexity so let's reframe it by asking some questions.
- What are the criteria for the allocation of books?
- Every student must have at least one book.
- Every student is assigned a set of consecutive books:
- For an array [10, 20, 30, 40], the first set is 30 (10 + 20), and the second set is 70 (30 + 40).
- Every student must have a unique book, two students can’t have the same book
- It is important to note that the array in this question is not always sorted.
- What are we trying to optimize twofold here.
- We are trying to minimize (first optimality)
- The maximum number of pages a student can be allocated (second optimality).
- When we see an optimization problem the first thing we ask our self whether the optimization is around a monotonic range. In this case yes, if we increase the value of (x) maximum pages per student, the students needed (y)decreases. Similar to KOKO eating Bananas .
- Let's examine the maximum pages allocated, increasing in ascending order. Let's see what we can learn.
- Let's try allocating a maximum of 1 page to each student.
- lets try 39
- Let's try 40 (the maximum value in the 'pages' array, which needs to be the minimum number of pages allocated to a student to allocate all the books). Although we successfully allocated the books to students, we exceeded the limit of 2 students.
- Increasing the number will reveal something uncertain about the question. Let's try 90.
pages = [10, 20, 30, 40] ,m(students) = 2
first = []
second = []
12,20,30,40 # not possible
# can't allocate any books as the size of the books was too larger than our possible maximum
pages = [10, 20, 30, 40] ,m(students) = 2
first = [10,20]
second = [30]
40 # not possible
# we can't allocate all books
pages = [10, 20, 30, 40] ,m(students) = 2
first = [10,20]
second = [30]
third = [40]
# we are out of our depth here as we need more than 2 students.
pages = [10, 20, 30, 40] ,m (students) = 2
testing for 90 pages
first = [10,20,30] = 60
second = [40] = 40
Another combination
first = [10] = 10
second = [20+30+40] = 90
Another combination
first = [10,20] = 30
second = [30+40] = 70
Some numbers have multiple combinations
# all of these are combinations but there might be a lower maximum.
- The allocation will become really complex once we increase the number of students. Will have to use some sort of recursion with Dynamic programming, but for this question, we will use a greedy approach. Here is the link if you want to study the recursive and Dynamic programming side of things with a similar question.
- We will use the Greedy Approach, and see why it works.
- Let’s try a few more values to understand this. Let's try 59
- and now 60
- The first value where we were able to allocate all the books amongst m students, will allow us to minimize the maximum number of pages to m students
- Will it be possible to allocate all the books with a different combination and have it be less than 60(or that first possible value.)
- Let's see if there are more combinations for how we can allocate the books with a maximum of 60 pages amongst 2 students.
- Is it possible to find and subarray that is not made by the first recurring items and we are able to allocate the books, something like the second and third combination in the above example?
- Lets try an example.
- Greedy proofs are always the hardest to prove, but we can try to make some sense of it.
- Since this needs to be continuous allocation and all the subarrays are maxed out when we get the first combination(greedy way) we are able to allocate the books to 2 students.
- What if we try another combination? We will break the maximization principle
pages = [10, 20, 30, 40] , m (students) = 2
first = [10,20] # can't add 30 goes to next student
second = [30] # can't add 40 :( need one more student
third = [40]
pages = [10, 20, 30, 40] ,m (students) = 2
first = [10,20,30] # can't add 30 goes to next student
second = [40] # can't add 40 :) need one more student
pages = [10, 20, 30, 40] ,m (students) = 2
first combination
first = [10]
second = [20,30]
third = [40] # overshot
second combination
first = [10,20]
second = [30]
third = [40] # overshot
one more
first = [10]
second = [20]
third = [30,40] # overshot ahh damn it
pages = [1,9,4,9] m = 2
at 12 pages as max
first = [1,9] [4]# adding 9 will make it 13 and that is not possible
at 13 pages as max
first = [1,9] [4,9] # adding 9 will be now possible.
at 12 pages as max
greedy = [1,9] [4] # adding 9 will make it 13 and that is not possible
second = [1],[9,4]
let's try with 13
at 13 pages as max
greedy = [1,9] [4,9] # adding 9 will be now possible.
second = [1][9,4][9] # It is still not possible because we have exceeded the number of students, and we have already allocated the maximum number of books to each student at this value. Removing pages from a previous student's allocation would reduce the maximization and result in additional books being left over for the final allocation making the limit go over m students.
Brute Force Intuition + implementation
- We are trying to find a minimum, but is it along a monotonic range? Yes, as we increase the number of maximum pages, the number of students required decreases, which is an essential characteristic of a monotonic function. So with the first value we reach the threshold of m students all values after that will allow us to allocate with m or less students but at a maximum page count that will be higher than the threshold that we achieved with our first value.
- Now we have determined the question in the light of the Similar Questions in KOKO eating Bananas , we will move to our next step
- The maximum number of pages being allocated to each student is still 0 to infinity. Can we reduce the range?
- Yes, What is the minimum(max value of pages possible)? We need at least a maximum of
to allocate the book in the example below. If the maximum value for allocation is less than 40, as previously discussed, it will be impossible to allocate the book to any student. - What is the maximum (max value of pages possible)? The maximum possible answer is when there is only one student, as they will take all the maximum pages available. Any maximum above the sum of pages in this case 100 will be a waste, as all the books have already been allocated.
- So we can say that.
- The First Feasibility.
- We try all the values from the least to the most and return the first which meets the threshold of m students.
- Calculating the feasibility. We are using a greedy approach to allocate student pages. We start allocating the books to the first student. Once the limit of PossibleMax (maximum pages a student can read) is reached, we allocate the same book to the next student. If we allocate the books within or less than the threshold of m students, we return True; otherwise, False.
For 39 as maximum
pages = [10, 20, 30, 40] ,m(students) = 2
first = [10,20]
second = [30]
40 # not possible
For 40 as maximum
pages = [10, 20, 30, 40] ,m(students) = 2
first = [10,20]
second = [30]
third = [40]
# we are out of our depth here as we need more than 2 students, but we allocated all books successfully
For 100 as maximum
pages = [10, 20, 30, 40] ,m(students) = 1
first = [10,20,30,40]
For 101 as maximum
pages = [10, 20, 30, 40] ,m(students) = 1
first = [10,20,30,40]
#no change
least = max(pages)
most = sum(pages)
least,most = max(pages),sum(pages)
minimumNumberOfMaxPages = -1
for maxPossible in range(least,most+1):
if self.allBooksAllotedProperly(maxPossible,pages,m):
return maxPossible
def allBooksAllotedProperly(self,possibleMax,pages,m):
numberOfStudentsUsed = 1
totalPages = 0
for book in pages:
totalPages += book
pagesWentOverOverMaximum = totalPages > possibleMax
if pagesWentOverOverMaximum:
# start with the new student
# Add the book that didn't fit
# to that student
totalPages = book
return numberOfStudentsUsed <= m
Code (Brute Force)
class Solution:
def findPages(self,pages, m):
least,most = max(pages),sum(pages)
minimumNumberOfMaxPages = -1
for maxPossible in range(least,most+1):
if self.allBooksAllotedProperly(maxPossible,pages,m):
return maxPossible
def allBooksAllotedProperly(self,possibleMax,pages,m):
numberOfStudentsUsed = 1
totalPages = 0
for book in pages:
totalPages += book
pagesWentOverOverMaximum = totalPages > possibleMax
if pagesWentOverOverMaximum:
# start with the new student
# Add the book that didn't fit
#to that student aswell
totalPages = book
return numberOfStudentsUsed <= m
Time Complexity: O(N*M)
N = max(pages)
M = len(Pages)
Space Complexity: O(1)
If you look, we are using a nested for loop here. The outer loop iterates over all the possibleMax Pages from least to max(piles)
(in the worst case least will be 1). With each iteration of that loop, we go over the whole pages
array to check the feasibility of that PossibleMax. In the worst case, we might have to check all possible PossibleMaxes until we get a possible answer. Is there a way to do better?
Logarithmic Intuition
- We discussed in KOKO eating Bananas similar questions session on how to look for if the question can be solved in logarithmic time.
- When we reach the first possible maximum (pages), we can allocate all the books among m students. All subsequent possible maximums will be higher than the previous one, but still, allow us to allocate all books among m students. As we keep increasing possible maximums, we will never be in a situation where we cannot allocate all the books among m students.
- This will insight will allow us to divide our space between a feasible and nonfeasible split. Talked in detail about in KOKO eating Bananas (Logrithmic Intuition 2.0 part 4.)
- We can decide that solutions on one side of m are not possible and solutions on the other side are possible. To do this, we make a rule to classify values as possible or not. (I have not gone into detail here around how we chop different halves until we reach the first True Value look at KOKO eating Bananas (Logarithmic Intuition 2.0 part 4 )
- Applying the feasibility criteria we are able to reduce the problem to Find the First True in a Sorted Boolean Array
- Once you understand how to separate the feasibility part of the solution, the optimization can be achieved through a regular binary search on a Boolean array. Decomposing the problem in this way helps to simplify it.
Code for First True in a sorted Boolean array
class Solution:
def firstTrue(self, bools):
(left, right) = (0, len(bools) - 1)
possibleValue = -1
while left <= right:
mid = left + (right - left) // 2
# True
if bools[mid]:
possibleValue = mid
right = mid - 1
# False
left = mid + 1
return possibleValue
Code For Allocate Books
class Solution:
def findPages(self,pages, m):
# if there are less books than students
if len(pages) < m:
return -1 #< -change here
least,most = max(pages),sum(pages) #<-change here
minimumNumberOfMaxPages = -1
while least <= most:
possibleMax = least + (most-least)//2
# True # v-change here
if self.allBooksAllotedProperly(possibleMax,pages,m):
minimumNumberOfMaxPages = possibleMax
most = possibleMax - 1 # reduce Possible Max
least = possibleMax + 1 # increase Possible Max
return minimumNumberOfMaxPages
def allBooksAllotedProperly(self,possibleMax,pages,m): #<-change here
numberOfStudentsUsed = 1
totalPages = 0
for book in pages:
totalPages += book
pagesWentOverOverMaximum = totalPages > possibleMax
if pagesWentOverOverMaximum:
# start with the new student
# Add the book that didn't fit
#to that student aswell
totalPages = book
return numberOfStudentsUsed <= m
Sandbox—PythonTutor (Visualized)
Select a certain line such as (if self.allBooksAllotedProperly(possibleMax,pages,m):) to see how the value changes around that, instead of going over all 400 steps.“
Time Complexity
O(M * log(N)) N =
N = max(pages)
M = len(pages)
The feasibility function still needs to iterate over M times, but we can reduce the number of times we need to check for the optimal value from n to log(n).
Understanding Time Complexity of OLog(N): Math + Intuition
Similar Questions
Here are minimizing or maximizing the smallest/largest(minimum or maximum).
Example Questions
- 410. Split Array Largest Sum
- Return the minimized largest sum of the
- 3258.River Hopscotch (POJ)
- Help Farmer John determine the greatest possible shortest distance a cow has to jump after removing the optimal set of M rocks.
- 848 Minimize Max Distance to Gas Station (Leetcode premium)
- the maximum distance between adjacent gas stations is minimized
- These questions will ask you to find a possible value (minimum or maximum size or sum ) given a certain threshold (number of separations) along a Monotonic function. Similar questions related to KOKO eating Bananas asked you to optimize around distance or time. In questions similar to Allocate a minimum number of pages (Hard) , there is one slight difference: the criteria is around nested optimality around making partitions or allocations. This can include:
- Minimum/maximum
- Largest/smallest
- Longest/shortest
- After determining that we are looking for a certain value in a monotonic function, the x (domain) values are still infinite. To reduce the possible values, we can determine the least and most values:
- What is the least value possible? This will be our left/least value.
- What is the most value possible? This will be our right/most value.
- The nature of this question mostly follows a pattern where
- Determining feasibility is another optimization challenge. Questions related to making different partitions (sums, distances) are likely to be solved with dynamic programming, which has a greedy approach. All the questions given above have a similar greedy approach to this one.
- In Binary Search(Vanilla) We usually check linear feasibility by comparing numbers in an array to a certain target. However, this situation is different because we are checking the feasibility of a complex optimization function. We are looking for values of x and how they meet certain criteria at y. Furthermore, we need to understand how values greater or lower than the target can be helpful in moving closer to the target.
- The values of y are monotonic. We can optimize the unfeasible and feasible split due to the nature of the question.
- Solutions on one side of the border will be feasible, and those on the other side unfeasible. The border marks the minimum or maximum value, which is the answer we seek.
- We are looking for the minimum value. It will be the first feasible (true) value, where all values before it are infeasible (false) solutions.
- In the case of KOKO eating Bananas and Allocate a minimum number of pages (Hard). Small values were infeasible, while large values were feasible. If we are on the feasible side, the answer lies to the left; conversely, if we are on the infeasible side, the answer lies to the right.
- To find the maximum value, search for the last feasible solution (True) in a range from feasible solutions (True) to unfeasible solutions (False).
- In the case of SQRT(X)—Square Root Estimation. Small values were feasible, and large values were unfeasible. If we are on the feasible side, the answer might be to the right; conversely, if we are on the unfeasible side, the answer might be to the left.
- After accounting for the feasibility of each value, the problem reduces to optimizing the unfeasible and feasible split, reducing the problem to Find the First True in a Sorted Boolean Array or the last. Done in logarithmic time
- Bonus Tips:
- This framework is just a tool; it is up to you how you use it to reframe the problem.
- Try to wrap all the feasibility code into a function, so you can separate the optimizing and feasibility components.
least,most = max(arrayToPartion),sum(arrayToPartion)
Code For Allocate Books
class Solution:
def findPages(self,pages,m):
# if there are less books than students
if len(pages) < m:
return -1
least,most = max(pages),sum(pages)
minimumNumberOfMaxPages = -1
while least <= most:
possibleMax = least + (most-least)//2
# True
if self.allBooksAllotedProperly(possibleMax,pages,m):
minimumNumberOfMaxPages = possibleMax
most = possibleMax - 1 # reduce Possible Max
least = possibleMax + 1 # increase Possible Max
return minimumNumberOfMaxPages
def allBooksAllotedProperly(self,possibleMax,pages,m): #<-change here
numberOfStudentsUsed = 1
totalPages = 0
for book in pages:
totalPages += book
pagesWentOverOverMaximum = totalPages > possibleMax
if pagesWentOverOverMaximum:
# start with the new student
# Add the book that didn't fit
#to that student aswell
totalPages = book
return numberOfStudentsUsed <= m
Code For Split Array Largest Sum
class Solution:
def splitArray(self, nums, m):
if len(nums) < m: # < -change here
return -1
least,most = max(nums),sum(nums) #<-change here
minimizedLargestSum = -1
while least <= most:
possibleMax = least + (most-least)//2
# True # v-change here
if self.allNumbersSplitProperly(possibleMax,nums,m):
minimizedLargestSum = possibleMax
most = possibleMax - 1 # reduce Possible Max
least = possibleMax + 1 # increase Possible Max
return minimizedLargestSum
def allNumbersSplitProperly(self,possibleMax,nums,m): #<-change here
numberOfSplits = 1
totalSum = 0
for num in nums:
totalSum += num
sumWentOverOverMaximum = totalSum > possibleMax
if sumWentOverOverMaximum:
# start with the new student
# Add the book that didn't fit
#to that student aswell
totalSum = num
return numberOfSplits <= m
Thanks for sticking this long, Appreciate it!
Dedication—This question is dedicated to these gentlemen who made a difficult task less difficult!
These resources cover what has been discussed and more. They can be a great starting point for your journey into learning about binary search.
Algorithmic Thinking: A Problem-Based Introduction—Daniel Zingaro (Binary Search chapter)